Peningkatan Kemampuan Berbahasa Melalui Penggunaan Media Flashcard


  • Annisa Herlida Sari Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro Author


Bahasa, flashcard , anak usia dini


Language does not only come from words that are spoken (vocal) but also uses sign language or image language. The main goal of language learning is to improve students' ability to read and communicate in good Indonesian. The formulation of the problem in this study is "How is the development of children's language through Flashcard media at RA NURUL-HUDA Metro Utara?" This study aims to determine whether Flashcard media can develop the language of children aged 5-6 years at RA NURUL-HUDA 29 Banjarsari Metro Utara. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (PTK). In this study, researchers collaborated with class teachers, learning was carried out for 2 cycles with 8 meetings. The data collection model uses interviews, observation and documentation to determine the profile and condition of the school. The results of the presurvey research showed that 27.3% increased by 18.1% in Cycle I, and at the end of Cycle I it became 45.4%. Then at the end of Cycle I to Cycle II there was an increase of 36.4% so that at the end of Cycle II it was 81.8%. So it can be seen in cycle II through Flashcard media activities in improving children's reading ability that has increased 81.8%. That way through Flashcard media can improve children's reading ability at RA Nurul-Huda Metro Utara.




How to Cite

Peningkatan Kemampuan Berbahasa Melalui Penggunaan Media Flashcard. (2024). Kumaracitta : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 1(02), 63-69.

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