Kegiatan Menggambar Bebas Tema Lingkungan Rumah Dalam Meningkatkan Imajinatif Anak


  • Ayu Fakhrana Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Author
  • Murniati Murniati Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatra Utara Author


Imaginative ability, free drawing, Children


Children must have imaginative abilities because this is related to their creativity and thinking skills. Imaginative ability needs to be developed because it helps children to generate new ideas and creativity. There are still many children who look confused when asked to express what they feel, what they have experienced and what they will make through their work. Researchers used a qualitative descriptive research method that aims to describe the implementation of free drawing activities to improve children's imaginative abilities. Data collection techniques used observation and interviews. Data analysis was carried out before, during and after completing research in the field by reducing and presenting the data. The results showed that free drawing activities can be used as a stimulus to improve children's imaginative abilities so that it can help them to generate new ideas and make them more creative. The conclusion of this study is that free drawing activities can improve children's imaginative abilities because drawing is liked by children and they are free to express their ideas and imagination.




How to Cite

Kegiatan Menggambar Bebas Tema Lingkungan Rumah Dalam Meningkatkan Imajinatif Anak. (2024). Kumaracitta : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 1(02), 57-62.

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